After being asked by a few people here is what I am reading...I am not one of those guys who can read one book at a time...I've got to be reading several...shoot I have to...Im still in school!
For School:
The Story of Christianity - Justo L. Gonzalez
Readings In Christian Thought - Kerr
Princeton Seminary Vol 1-2 - Calhoun (Re-reading)
Colonial Presbyterianism - S.Donald Fortson III - (Hot off the press btw)
Colonial Presbyterianism - S.Donald Fortson III - (Hot off the press btw)
The Presbyterian Enterprise - Armstrong, and others...
The Presbyterians - Balmer and Fitzmier
The Presbyterian Controversy - Longfield
Solomon's Song of Love - Glickman
The Messaih and the Psalms - Belcher
A Theology of the New Testament - Ladd
Intro to NT - Guthrie
Biblical Theology - Vos
God & Adam - Ward
God & Adam - Ward
Why Do I Suffer - Currid
The Federal Theology... - Girardeau
Understanding Dispensationalists - Poythress
Ok there are a few more for school that I have to read too tires to keep listing them...
Yes in the midst I have some I am reading for mere torture I mean pleasure as well:
Against Christianity - Leithart
Kingdom Prologue - Kline
A case for Amill - Riddlebarger
Exploring Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period - Helyer
Plus various works by Vos for next month's Crypta Interview with Dr. Vos
There you go.
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