Wednesday, September 20, 2006

C.S. Lewis Snippet On Studying

This is taken from the introduction to St. Athanasius On The Incarnation. C.S. Lewis is dicussing the value of reading older books. In particular he is addressing that your heart may burn hotter by reading a theologically minded book, a more harder one, than a devotional one which entire purpose is to make the heart burn.

"I believe that many who find that 'nothing happens' when they sit down, or kneel down, to a book of devotion, would find that the heart sings unbidden while they are working their way through a tough bit of theology with a pipe in their teeth and a pencil in their hand."

What every office needs

Remember this?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pyros or Redneck Rocket Launcher

Watch Video Here

Redneck Rocket Launcher

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Friday, September 15, 2006

My Brother-in-law...Im so proud


Posted By:David W. Carr

Get this video and more at

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I finally got a MySpace up and man oh man I've been instantly in contact with the past.

Click Here to Ck It

My Celeb Look Alikes - LOL

Caught Summer playing around on the computer!

Back in the day!

I recently was sent this picture from a long lost friend, Jim LeBlanc. What a trip down memory lane. Let's see theres me, Lenny Pirschel is in this picture, Neal Drake, Ryan Immegart, Jim, Brian Hannon, Clint Dunn, Rich Kaizer, Carley LeBlanc, Rob Davis, Becca Sisson, Renton, Melissa, Shirley, and I forget who the other is - Jason Little? - Last known remenant from my former days

Friday, September 08, 2006

Slovakia Presentation

Recently for a class I have on Missions I was tasked with presenting the nation of Slovakia. I asked Jano to provide me some up to date information because we are to present some prayer request so that the class can pray for their needs. It was very encouraging to watch as, after the presentation, we broke up into groups of three and began praying for the Slovaks. Around 6 groups of three began praying simultanously for Slovakia...a very encouraging sound.

I was also encouraged that there appears to be a Bible study in Zilina once again.

Tid bits on terms often used in "Missions"

Mission Field - This term is wrongly used, in my opinon. It usually is used for anyone who leaves their country to go to another. "Mission Field" is used in reference to geography. The "Mission Field" then becomes "over there" never "right here." Allow me to suggest that going to the "Mission Field" isn't getting on plane to another country but all the world is the "Mission Field." You don't need to go overseas to be in the "Mission Field" for open your eyes you are in it! To define it more clear - The "Mission Field" is anywhere you have a unbeleiving heart. Mission Field = a warm body, a "heart."

Missionary - This is an unbiblical term. You can't find it in Scripture nor even, I beleive, warrant for it either in the ways we use it. There is no office called Missionary. To say "I'm called to be a Missionary" is problematic from the very begininng. We have adopted this term however and is now used to describe anyone who leaves the conforts of their homeland to go to another. Incidently, perhaps the reason why we often see various problems with "missionaries" having to come back due to various sins and or doctrines is because we have sent out men who are not called to a true office - pastor/elder? We send out people who claim, and generally self-proclaimed, to be called to the unbiblical category called Missionary. "I'm called to missions. Pastoring isn't for me. Inside the four walls of church isn't for me...I'm called to be a Missionary." Huh? Which then spawns people doing pupet shows, english camps, cleaning floors, selling cars, etc as Missionaries. What are you? "Oh, I'm a Missionary." What do you do? "Oh, I teach english." What? If we must use this term then we need to at least give it biblical definitions. In that case a missionary would be one who preaches the gospel. If you are involved in preaching the gospel then you are a missionary. Teaching english, puppet shows, skateboard ramps, etc are not the gospel. A missionary preaches the gospel wherever there be someone who doesn't believe. That could be America or Brazil or China or any other place in this world.

Ok enough ranting and raving =)

A missionary in Jackson Mississippi,


Another Ian Drawing

I recently got Ian a Dvd of He-Man, a cartoon from 1983. A cartoon which I enjoyed as a wee-lad. Anyway, if you remember this is Orco...the little flying mage like thing.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Historic Theology On Being A Father

I picked up a book a few weeks ago entitled When Fathers Ruled: Family Life in Reformation Europe by Ozment which he also wrote some other excellent historical theological books The Age of Reform - Study of theology in Medieval times. Title provoked me...sounded Wilsonish.

Ian's Drawing

Ian drew this picture of Superman. Interestingly, he paused the movie he was watching of superman and was drawing from still frame images. Smart little guy.

Proud father, Chris

Justin Martyr The Illustration Guy

Concerning Justin Martyr it is said that he "finds analogues to Christian beliefs in Greek mythology in order to make Christian teaching understandable and acceptable to pagan readers."

It's one thing to be analogues its quite another to do it so your hearers will accept the message. Hum...Justin we've got to talk about this bud.

Knee deep in Patristics,


First Semester Work Load

First Semester Course Load

Required Reading:

Systematic Theology L. Berkhof
Christian Baptism J. Murray
Westminster Conf. Various
Institutes of the Christian Religion J. Calvin
The Glorious Body of Christ A. Kuiper
The Theology of the New Testament G. Ladd
Augustine of Hippo (Biography) P. Brown
Readings in Christian Thought H. Kerr
Backgrounds of Early Christianity E. Ferguson
Early Christian Doctrines J. Kelly
St. Athanasius on the Incarnation Athanasius
Anselm of Canterbury The Major Works Anselm
The Promise of Patristic Studies G. Bromiley
Against Heresies Irenaeus
Apology & Against Praxeas Tertullian
On the Trinity Hillary
On Nature and Grace Augustine
On the Predestination of the Saints Augustine
Confessions Augustine
The Sacraments C. G. Berkouwer
New Testament Introduction D. Guthrie
Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew J. K. Chamblin
Faith and Understanding P. Helm
Doctrine of Original Sin J. Edwards
Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone I. Kant
Reason Within the Limits of Religion N. Wolterstorff
Let The Nations Be Glad J. Piper
A Heart For Missions: Five Pioneer Thinkers R. Davies
Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? R. Allen

* Total of 6,000 pages of reading plus an additional 200 in various studies

Writing Assignments:

Two page precis on Novatian
Two page precis on Lactantius
Two page precis on Commodian
Three page precis on Church Fathers on the Sacraments
Five page (single spaced) case study on a historical event 1st-14th Century
15 minute oral and written Mission Report concerning a people group
15 minute oral and written presentation on the life of a protestant “missionary”
One page report on an interview with a non-Christian
Required compiled notebook containing well taken notes of reading and lectures for History of Christianity I this writing assignment is 50% of grade.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Liturgy in the South

It doesn't exist. Don't bother trying to look. It's not here! I can think of two men we can thank for that.

Enjoying the spoils of Southern Presbyterianism,


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Patristics Class

In my patristics (study of early church fathers) class we blindly drew straws to see what men and topics we would be writing on. Many of you know that I wanted to spend a good portion of my work on the sacraments while in seminary. Well the straw I drew was Early Church Fathers On The Sacraments. Amazingly wonderful! =)

Casting lots is awesome,


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rare Photo of J.I. Packer

Nice Construction

Oliva Ser. "O"

Kids First Week In School

The kids enjoyed their first week in Saint Paul's Presbyterian Private School. Ian wasn't too thrilled at first, as the picture indicates, but he is enjoying himself now.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Kids Are Going To Private School!

A few weeks ago we visited St.Paul Presbyterian Private School to see about the possibilities of Ian and Lauren going to school there verses the Clinton Public School - which wasn't going to happen and I would homeschool and just take less classes at RTS. Long story short, in order for the kids to attend we would need to come up with thousands of thousands of dollars. After we reviewed our budget we would only be able to come up with $100 a month and that would be pushing it. So I called and left a message with the school stating that I apologize for basically wasiting their time and that even with a scholarship we could only afford maybe $100 a month.
Well a few weeks later, yesterday, we get a message stating that the school has been working very hard and they secured the funds for Ian and Lauren to goto school. We pay whatever we can afford and if our financial situation gets better then we are to pay more but until then Ian and Lauren are signed up and paid for!

Thank you all for praying,


P.S. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rehers' 8th Year Anniversary Today!

ight years of marriage my heart skips a beat and looking up our teary eyes meet.
I cry for joy at our travels we’ve gone through. I am what I am because I have only you.
G irl you’re my bride and yet my deep dearest friend. Hand walking in hand till deaths final end.
H eaven will hold you, you’re Christ’s child too. Lead you to him you found me and continue I do.
T he next years hold what God only knows. Take my hand my dear we’ll trust him for those.
My dearest Summer,

It brings me great joy to write you this eve before our eighth anniversary. Not because I have anything better to give you this year for I don’t. I don’t have plans nor have any money.
As I observe the sea of marriages in our day I do bring something rare. Something of a treasure yea something that requires much harder labors to extract than any flawless diamond. The older I get and the more people I meet I find this gift the grandest and rarest indeed. I have kept something just for you not marred by the desires for other women or filling of filthy lusts. By God’s grace I give you my heart clean as the first day we met. What I present to you is the fruit of such efforts a boyish giddy love kept just for you.
I’m in love with you…Mrs. Summer Dawn… my love… has not…moved on.
Humbly I am your head,

* Goto to see new pictures under Mississippi Trip

Monday, August 07, 2006

A True Friend

My dear friend Broc Seaman from Big Bear, CA will be flying out to Jackson, MS this Thursday to comfort me in my seminary afflictions =) The Lord has truly blessed me with such a brother. Our friendship is bonded in good fellowship and tasty cigars. All joking aside, this is a brother that I have a deep and lasting bond with and this I truly only have with a handful of folk.
Thank you and your family for coming.

Friday, August 04, 2006

New Pictures of Kids!

There are several new pictures of the kids up on under
the Mississippi Trip picture section. Sorry I don't have time to format them
properly so I just stuck them up. Enjoy and I will get more up soon!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Dad

Hello everyone. Everything is still going well out here in the good ole south...although its alot harder than I thought taking care of the kids here...they constantly want to go places and play with various neighbors...blah blah etc etc...anyway I am writing to petition your prayers for my father Gary Rehers. As many of you know he has undergone some surgery and just recently had to be rushed to the emergency room, again, due to low blood presure say the least he isn't in good all. I feel so helpless out here and with a little over a month before classes start I am going to see if there is a way I can come back to Big Bear, somehow, and see him. Once classes start it could be a year or more before that happens...please keep that in your prayers as well as we don't have the means to make that possible...all in his good will.



Sunday, July 02, 2006

First Lord's Day in Mississippi

Good Lord's Day to everyone. We worshiped at First Presbyterian Church for our first Lord's Day in Jackson Mississippi. The residing minister this morning was the Rev. Derek Thomas originally from Wales, Derek Thomas is the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology at the Jackson campus of RTS. After pastoring for 17 years in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Dr. Thomas returned to the USA in 1996 where, in addition to his work at the seminary, he serves as the Minister of Teaching at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson.
The service was very delightful. Although a few key elements were missing from the liturgy, IMO - confession and forgiveness of sins, confession of faith, reading of God's Law and How Shall We Now Live. For those that know me a service without these elements would come as a shock and did. Nevertheless, a very Theocentric service to say the least and a solid PCA too boot. Communion is only served several times a year which is a little hard to understand coming from it being served every Lord's Day.

We will be attending this evenings service at First Presbyterian as well. We are not sure where we will be making our church home while we are in Jackson but we thought this would be a good start. We have no plans to transfer our membership from the United Reformed Church to a local PCA, as of yet. But we do trust our Lord will guide us even in this.

To the praise of His great power and might,

Chris Rehers

P.S. Miss the fellowship of His saints in Big Bear and Apple Valley greatly.

Monday, June 26, 2006

We made it!

Well we made it! We actually pulled in a day early and decided to check out the townhomes and some of the married students were outside and they unloaded our truck and opened our home a day early for us. RTS also provided a home care package that was very nice. The townhomes are very nice and in a gated & security patroled community.
Its very green here and somewhat dense with ivy and bush. We have bugs the size of our Uhaul and giant Wasps to boot. At night we have a million bug/critter orchestra enchanting the night sky with their various sounds of clicking and croaking.
I will be updating a little latter this evening with pictures of the trip and townhome.

Love you all,


We made it!

Well we made it! We actually pulled in a day early and decided to check out the townhomes and some of the married students were outside and they unloaded our truck and opened our home a day early for us. RTS also provided a home care package that was very nice. The townhomes are very nice and in a gated & security patroled community.
Its very green here and somewhat dense with ivy and bush. We have bugs the size of our Uhaul and giant Wasps to boot. At night we have an million bugcritter orchestra enchanting the night sky with their various sounds of clicking and croaking.
I will be updating a little latter this evening with pictures of the trip and townhome.

Love you all,


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Last Day in Big Bear

Well...the time has come and we are packing up. Speaking of which its time to pack the computer. Also it was planned to update the blog every day of the trip. However, I just realized that will cost around $20+ a day at the hotels to get internet. So I will update once around the last day of the trip out.

Thanks once again for everyones help it really has meant alot to us. We will miss y'all dearly. =)


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Dinner @ my sister Stephanies

Ok...I wasn't going to post this but I did want to publicly thank my sister and her family for inviting me to their house for father's day. The meal was the best meal I have ever had...and I have had some good meals. Lobster tails on a skewer with 12oz steaks...WOW! Then it was topped off with a very generous money gift...thank you and no it will go further than a tank of gas just watch me stretch it! =)

I love you all,


Last Lord's Day at High Desert URC

Hum...will I miss the drive from Big Bear to the URC? Doubt it. But we will for sure miss all the friends and families we have come to love and know during our 4+ year layover in Big Bear. Each and everyone of you have made an impact on our lives in one way or another and we are thus thankful to God always for you all. Having said that, I do rejoice that I will no longer be distracted in services by Mark Martinez rocking back and forth. Does he have some remnants of pentecostal theology or just happy to be there? Just kidding buddy.

Anyway, we head out on Wednesday and will be documenting our trip and new life out in Mississippi on this Blog and at as a gift to you all. We hope you enjoy it from time to time.

May Lord continue to provide your daily bread as you give thanks to him in all things and richly bless you for his name sake.


Chris Rehers

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


In an attempt to clear room on my memory sticks, so I can take pictures on our trip to Mississippi, I have loaded a bunch of new pictures of the kids and what not onto - Over the next several days, prior to leaving, I will try to get as many pictures up as I can. So check everyday! Ah, and take note you may need to click the Refresh button on your browser to view the updated pictures as your browser will most likely load the older version from memory.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Move

Well we are getting down to the wire here and much is to be done by way of getting packed. I had no idea I aquired so much junk over these past years...gee wiz! Perhaps I will learn from this?

As we get ready for the drive on Wednesday 6/21 I have been reflecting on how everyone at Big Bear Valley Orthodox Presbyterian Church has treated us and its simply amazing. Each and everyone of you have taken us in and made us part of your familes. We are truly going to miss you all or should I say y'all?

I also wanted to thank everyone for pitching in wherever they could with the yard sale. The donations raised from this have helped tremendously and our move to Jackson, Mississippi would not be possible otherwise, thanks. Also the B-B-Q at the Seaman's house was delightful. The food and the smokes were great. Roping saw horse cattle was indeed a highlight in itself. Ian, on the way home said, "I want to stay there forever!" while crying.

Lastly, before I sign off, I wanted everyone to know that I will be documenting our move and life in Mississippi as it unfolds by updating and this blog. Please come and visit often to see new pictures and other various updates. I plan on updating the site every few days, well until seminary starts of course =)

Love you all,
