Wednesday, September 20, 2006

C.S. Lewis Snippet On Studying

This is taken from the introduction to St. Athanasius On The Incarnation. C.S. Lewis is dicussing the value of reading older books. In particular he is addressing that your heart may burn hotter by reading a theologically minded book, a more harder one, than a devotional one which entire purpose is to make the heart burn.

"I believe that many who find that 'nothing happens' when they sit down, or kneel down, to a book of devotion, would find that the heart sings unbidden while they are working their way through a tough bit of theology with a pipe in their teeth and a pencil in their hand."


Broc said...

Amen and Amen.

Broc said...

That inspired me. I busted out the old pipe again...


Broc said...

I finally updated the blog.