Monday, June 26, 2006

We made it!

Well we made it! We actually pulled in a day early and decided to check out the townhomes and some of the married students were outside and they unloaded our truck and opened our home a day early for us. RTS also provided a home care package that was very nice. The townhomes are very nice and in a gated & security patroled community.
Its very green here and somewhat dense with ivy and bush. We have bugs the size of our Uhaul and giant Wasps to boot. At night we have an million bugcritter orchestra enchanting the night sky with their various sounds of clicking and croaking.
I will be updating a little latter this evening with pictures of the trip and townhome.

Love you all,



Broc said...

Glad to see you made it. Did you go 70 the whole way? How did the old Pathfinder hold up?

This last Lord's day was pretty good. We had a lot of visitors, but it still seemed sort of empty without you guys. I pray the Lord's blessing on your new endeavor.

Chris R said...

I went the speed limit the entire time...if that was 75 we went 75 if it was 40 we went 40...neverless never more and worked out better than going a constant 45 or whaterever. =)

Yeah I had a pit in my stomach when your services a good slug of homesickness at that moment.

Well I was finally able to post some pictures tonight...a little late but they are there.

Was invited over to students houses tonight for beer and smokes. Interesting =) I might be all alone out here!

Big Bear Valley OPC - URGENT! - Send Broc to RTS Jackson!

So far as it stands...Im here to work and then get back home.

Broc said...

I have been keeping up with some of the stuff that went on at GA via the yahoo web board. If you get a chance check it out and see if you can make some sense of what went on. It seems like they may have adopted the report. I may be wrong though. If they did that is pretty rare, that they would adopt the whole report like that (from what I understand). I will talk to Rev. Alan this Lord's day and find out the details.