Covenant Children: Baptized into the shadows?
I found this while reading a fellow blogger's site. Good stuff.

“A few churches still take seriously the doctrine of the covenant as it relates to the children of believers, baptize these children because they’re in covenant, and actually count them as members of the church. Those churches insist, and rightly so, on their being full members” (R. B. Kuiper, The Glorious Body of Christ, p. 210).
Nice quote. Kuiper was a big influence on me in Seminary. If you can get ahold of "To be or not to be Reformed" and "As to being Reformed" they are an interesting look into the Dutch church of last century in America. It fleshes out the differences between the RCA and CRC during those times.
This issue is so important to the way that you treat covenant children in the Church. So what are they? Are they half way there? Do we commune them?
Chris -- One more URNCA-related comment. If you're open to the kinds of questions Broc is raising, and specifically the last one ("Do we commune them?") the URCNA may not be the place for you.
The URNCA has made it very clear that it is not open to paedocommunion, and Classis Western Canada had adopted a statement (upheld against my church's appeal by Synod 2004) that said that a man who believed the Three Forms even left room for paedocommunion was not eligible for office (even if he himself didn't hold to paedocommunion).
That's definitely an issue to settle in your own mind before you decide where you want to pastor!
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