Recently for a class I have on Missions I was tasked with presenting the nation of Slovakia. I asked Jano to provide me some up to date information because we are to present some prayer request so that the class can pray for their needs. It was very encouraging to watch as, after the presentation, we broke up into groups of three and began praying for the Slovaks. Around 6 groups of three began praying simultanously for Slovakia...a very encouraging sound.
I was also encouraged that there appears to be a Bible study in Zilina once again.
Tid bits on terms often used in "Missions"
Mission Field - This term is wrongly used, in my opinon. It usually is used for anyone who leaves their country to go to another. "Mission Field" is used in reference to geography. The "Mission Field" then becomes "over there" never "right here." Allow me to suggest that going to the "Mission Field" isn't getting on plane to another country but all the world is the "Mission Field." You don't need to go overseas to be in the "Mission Field" for open your eyes you are in it! To define it more clear - The "Mission Field" is anywhere you have a unbeleiving heart. Mission Field = a warm body, a "heart."
Missionary - This is an unbiblical term. You can't find it in Scripture nor even, I beleive, warrant for it either in the ways we use it. There is no office called Missionary. To say "I'm called to be a Missionary" is problematic from the very begininng. We have adopted this term however and is now used to describe anyone who leaves the conforts of their homeland to go to another. Incidently, perhaps the reason why we often see various problems with "missionaries" having to come back due to various sins and or doctrines is because we have sent out men who are not called to a true office - pastor/elder? We send out people who claim, and generally self-proclaimed, to be called to the unbiblical category called Missionary. "I'm called to missions. Pastoring isn't for me. Inside the four walls of church isn't for me...I'm called to be a Missionary." Huh? Which then spawns people doing pupet shows, english camps, cleaning floors, selling cars, etc as Missionaries. What are you? "Oh, I'm a Missionary." What do you do? "Oh, I teach english." What? If we must use this term then we need to at least give it biblical definitions. In that case a missionary would be one who preaches the gospel. If you are involved in preaching the gospel then you are a missionary. Teaching english, puppet shows, skateboard ramps, etc are not the gospel. A missionary preaches the gospel wherever there be someone who doesn't believe. That could be America or Brazil or China or any other place in this world.
Ok enough ranting and raving =)
A missionary in Jackson Mississippi,